First real job

I am one of the fortunate seniors that have a job lined up after graduation in May.

Many of my friends have had trouble securing jobs after graduation and some have chosen to go to graduate school. For those students who do not wish to continue their education after graduation, the number of days before May 7 is dwindling quickly. The final 73 days of the semester will be stressful for many graduating seniors.

The Career Services Center offers students help in attaining internships and full-time positions, but is not utilized by many students. The Career Services Center provides help regarding resumes, interviewing, career planning, and internship placement. Many students complain about not being able to find a job or internship, yet they apply to three or four places and that’s it.

It takes more than a few online applications to get a job in this economy. Students have to follow up with potential employers so their applications are not disregarded or forgotten. Networking is also a key component in securing a job or internship.

Michigan’s job market has improved slowly since the end of the Great Recession, but its unemployment rate still ranks in the bottom five nationally. As jobs have become scarcer, competition has increased. Career Services Coordinator, Angie Roman, said there are approximately 80 applicants per job opening.

It is vital for students to set themselves apart from other applicants. Employers want to see involvement in student organizations, work experience and internships. Grades also play an integral part in securing a job after graduation as many employers use GPA as a quick way to sift through a stack of applications.

Earning a college degree is arguably the most important asset a student can have on a resume. Not far behind that, however, is work experience. Hands-on training shows employers that you are capable of learning in a workplace environment and that you can apply the knowledge learned in the classroom. n