Lawn chairs and blankets will be needed as you head down to the quad for this year’s movie, Disney and Pixar’s “Up.”

The movie is being shown Friday, Aug. 28 at 9 p.m. in the campus quad.
“Up” is a story about a 78-year-old man who dreamed of seeing South America as a young boy. Now he, along with his house and a stowaway boy, are in for an adventure of a lifetime.
This movie was chosen by Orientation leaders as part of Welcome Week and is being sponsored by the Bulldog Beginnings Committee.
This is the third movie being shown this summer on a random basis.
Teresa Fogel, student activities assistant, said the weather did not cooperate with the previous two. Instead, the movies were shown in the Rankin TV lounge. If the weather does not cooperate this week, the movie will be shown in the Williams Auditorium the originally planned time.
No admission fee is required.
The Ranking Student Center and Dining Services will be donating free popcorn that Phi Sigma Kappa volunteered to make for all audience members. Dining Services were able to get Vitamin Water Company employees to bring trucks to the Quad to pass out free water as well.
“Movies in the quad have been part of a long tradition that both students and community members have enjoyed. With the movie being played on the big screen, hundreds of people are fascinated by it and end up staying to watch the movie”, said Fogel.
It also gives people the feeling that they are at a drive-in movie with their friends.
This activity is a way to get outside, make friends, and hang out with old ones all the while watching a fun-filled family movie.
For more information contact Fogel at or x5936.