Meijer Madness hits Ferris again with its annual shopping spree sale.
Meijer Madness will begin at 9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 27 and last until midnight.
Jill Ulch, Customer Service Lines Team Leader, said Meijer and Ferris teamed up a few years ago to help “break the ice” for incoming students new to the college life and to help college students meet new people.
Three shuttles will be traveling to and from Meijer starting at 8:45 p.m. and ending at 12:30 a.m. All will be going to and from these halls: Bond, Merrill/Travis, and Miller, and also stopping at the West Campus Community Center and the Rankin Circle.
Not only can students come and save 10 percent off their total purchase, but the public can also come to shop and save.
Many sponsors will be there to give out free gifts to all students to promote their business. Some new activities the students can enjoy that weren’t around in previous years, according to Allissa Witucki, Interim Assistant Director of the Student Leadership and Activities Office, are: Rock Band, Mechanical Bull Riding, Games Show with the DJ, Wax Hands, Nintendo Wii, Air Brush Tattoos, create your own street sign, and different novelties to play on.
College survival is key when first coming to a university. Witucki said students will be handed a “Survival Bag” with all the information or items a college student may need in order to survive college.
Survival is important but this event is limiting its sale items to students and the public. Witucki said students can save 10 percent off their total purchase but excludes grocery items, C-Stops, HBC, alcohol, tobacco, prescriptions, gift cards, lottery tickets, postage, park and entertainment tickets and layaways, and items, including gas, from the Meijer Gas Station.
Jill Ulch, Customer Service Lines Team Leader for Meijer, said, “Meijer only makes a tenth of a percent from every dollar that is bought at the store, so we depend more on volume than on margin.”
For this all to happen, Ferris and Meijer met every other week to discuss this year’s Meijer Madness. Meijer got everything for its store, Ferris brought the students, and Y102 brought the sponsors.
Y102 will also bring down the store with non-stop music playing inside and out for the entire event, said Jason Schwind of Y102.
Some sponsors include: The Gate, Mancinos, Little Caesars, the Air Force, and much more.
A variety of items will be out for students to fish for: food, coupons, pens, cozies, key chains, etc.
Ulch said Meijer makes sure to sell lots of the dorm items for first years. They make sure to have dorm refrigerators and Ethernet cables for the dorms, rolls of rugs and bathroom accessories as that is what they have sold a lot of in the past.
Ulch suggested, for students, to look for dorm bed sheets because “the dorm beds only take twin extra long bedding and not a lot of stores sell that; we have some fun colors and designs this year. We only sell them during the back-to-school season.”
Students don’t forget your fans. Ulch said Meijer sells lots of fans to students each year because the dorms don’t have air conditioning.
The Madness is soon to begin so get ready for some free fun and some shopping spree savings.
For more information contact Allissa Witucki at or x2674.