For Him
He’s not as hard to buy for as you might think. Just simplify what it is he likes, being comfortable, hanging out and watching movies.
Awesome socks. I don’t mean the white socks that come in packs of 12. I am talking about knit, wool, patterned. It doesn’t sound like a great gift, but any guy worth his salt is worth a pair of great socks. Don’t be surprised if the cost is in the double digits.
Flask. Guys secretly dream of being in a situation where they need a flask. Trapped in an elevator, on the roof of a sky scraper, on the side of a mountain. And to go along with that flask, a fancy bottle of alcohol to put in it, something above $20 is preferable for the occasion.
Hammock. Will he try to set it up inside? Maybe. Will both of you enjoy it? Totally.
If all else fails, Caddyshack, Animal House or Dumb and Dumber on DVD.
For Her
Every gift is a signal. Be sure to send the right ones with gifts that are open to interpretation.
If it’s last minute, shame on you. Don’t pretend you didn’t know Christmas was coming.
Bath and Body Works lotion, spray, butter and whatever else it is they sell there. Anything but Cucumber Melon.
Plant. Someone once told me that plants make women feel comfortable and nurturing. I have no idea if that’s actually true, but orchids do the trick usually because they aren’t just flowers and they have a long lifespan with proper care; they’ll flower all year. Bonsai tree if she is more nurturing than average.
Massage/spa treatment. Getting pampered is a good thing. The price isn’t too outlandish and a gift certificate lets her pick between a facial and a massage.
Post Secret book. They’re just plain fun to look at.
Pet fish, name it before you give it to her. Bowl instead of tank for aesthetic and cost effective reasons.
Mom and Dad
The best gift for Mom and Dad is time. Anything you can give them that somehow involves you makes them happy.
Tickets to see Sherlock Holmes Christmas day, or a Red Wings or Pistons game later on in the year.
Purchase the ingredients to make a nice dinner and then ask that they hang out with you in the kitchen while you make it.
Road trip to someplace for lunch or dinner. Doesn’t have to be fancy, someplace you loved to go as a kid. Mom will probably pick up the camera, you should pick up the bill.
If this is your first year at Ferris, you have to get your parents Ferris sweatshirts, coffee mugs or some other FSU paraphernalia. One stop shopping.