The 2010 Cheer on Children Dodgeball Tournament hosted by Clark Hall staff and residents will be held on Dec. 5 at 2 p.m. in the University Recreation Center.
Money raised from this charity event will be donated to the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Foundation. The event originally began in 2006 as the Cheer on Charlie Dodgeball Tournament. It raised money for a cancer patient suffering from heart complications.
“This event goes back longer than I do at Ferris,” said Ted DeChane, head of the event and junior in biology with a pre-physical therepy concentration. “But from what we know, the event was started to benefit a local who was down on his luck [Charlie]. After he was back on his feet, Clark Hall wanted to continue the tradition and chose Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital to be the recipient of this money.”
Last year, the dodgeball tournament raised over $600 in cash and prizes.
“My goal for now for this year is $500, but we need more teams for that to happen, so we are hoping people reading this article will head over to Clark Hall and sign up!” said DeChane. “There will also be a silent auction at the tournament.”
DeChane thinks it’s good to give back to a place that serves so many people in the community. Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital handles a lot of things that our local hospital can’t, said DeChane.
“Cheer on Children is a fairly inexpensive way to raise money, win prizes, and have fun with your friends,” said DeChane. “At $25 for a team of six players, it costs less than five bucks a person for an hour or so of fun (Plus there will be food!).”
Registration forms are available at the front desk in Clark Hall. For more information about the dodgeball tournament, contact Joanne Robertson at or ext. 9911. n