As my college years wind down, I constantly think to myself about what I am going to do after school.
College has given me some of my best years in life and some of the greatest friends to share it with, but as days go by, I often look for that next big adventure. Every few years we have to search for a new hobby, new job, or even a new home so we can change our surroundings and continue to grow and learn.
I am often reminded of the song Boston, by Augustana, in which the idea of moving across the country and settling in a new town is described. It is a leap of faith, going to a new town and starting a new life, but it keeps our lives interesting. We learn to make new friends and learn new traditions.
After college, we all have to make this transition into a new life. We are forced to make new friends, try new things and be surrounded in a new life that challenges us.
This past week I applied to the Disney College Program in Florida. I am not a person who likes drastic change, but after five years at Ferris, I believe it is time for a new experience. If you had told me my freshman year that after school was done I would move to Florida, I would have laughed in your face.
I first heard about the program from a close friend who recently went through it and absolutely praised it. At first, I thought nothing of it. Moving to a different state will get me out of my comfort zone and challenge me to become more open and learn from the different cultures that will be surrounding me every day.
Just like college, I will be surrounded by new people and new experiences that challenge my way of thinking and allow me to make a little money in the process.
The Disney College Program allows me to work in the Disney World Parks for eight months after college and live with people all over the world. I will even get to experience my first snowless winter, which will be quite a culture shock for an avid skier like myself.
If I do get this internship, I will get to see first-hand what it takes to run a resort encompassing 30,500 acres spreading over four separate theme parks. With an estimated annual attendance of 47 million people, each day will never be the same.
This opportunity will be something I will not take for granted. I loved my opportunity to meet many people at Ferris and I will never forget the times I had, but it is time for new scenery. n