
Award winning Asian poet tells her story

Life in Poems: Emily Lawsin, poet, performed at FSU’s presentation of History, Herstory, Ourstory. Lawsin tells stories of her family and experiences and hopes to make an impact. Photo Courtesy of Amy Leang of the Detroit Freepress
Life in Poems: Emily Lawsin, poet, performed at FSU’s presentation of History, Herstory, Ourstory. Lawsin tells stories of her family and experiences and hopes to make an impact. Photo Courtesy of Amy Leang of the Detroit Freepress
Poet Emily Lawsin brought life to spoken word poetry at FSU’s presentation of History, Herstory, Ourstory.

A teacher of Asian American studies at the University of Michigan, Lawsin said poetry allows her to give knowledge much broader than the classroom. Among her many influences, Lawsin said studying creative writing literally changed her life.

“Before I became a professor, I was actually a spoken word poet as a way to share history,” said Lawsin. “I really felt that that would be a better way to convey those same stories.”

Asian student organization secretary Hieu Trihn said the event allowed Ferris students from different backgrounds to hear one person’s unique story.

“It told a great story about a person and how they go through life,” said Trihn. “It also opens people up to knowing about a certain culture.”

Trihn said one of his favorite poems of the evening involved Lawsin stepping into character as a motherly woman preparing dishes for her family.

“It reminded me of Asian mothers putting their children’s needs before their own and making sure they have more than enough,” said Trihn.

Lawsin said it is important that individuals tell the stories of their families and experiences.

“Maybe students like you and others will help,” said Lawsin. “Because everyone can tell a story, it’s how we share that story with others that makes a difference.”

Lawsin’s literary accomplishments have been included in numerous publications including InvASIAN: Growing up Asian and Female in the United States, Going Home to a Landscape: Writings by Filipinas and Flippin’: Filipinos on America.

History, Herstory, Ourstory was held at 6 p.m. in IRC 120. The event was hosted by the Office of Multicultural Student Services and the Asian Student Organization. n