Halls to be demolished

Plans include creating parking for the future student center

More changes are coming to Ferris’ campus. Carlisle and Masselink Halls are officially set to be demolished by August 2012.

The closing of these two halls is a result of Ferris’ master plan to move all housing to south campus. North campus will become more student activity orientated with the plans of renovating the Rankin Student Center.

These halls are being demolished because these spots can serve a more useful purpose and not due to the fact that they no longer met students’ needs.

The spots Carlisle and Masselink are currently located at will be converted into commuter parking lots. This decision is hoped to improve parking for the new student center.

Jon Shaffer, director of Housing and Residence Life, said, “If we assume the new center will require more space on campus and will provide for more services to our students and community, it stands to reason there will be a greater demand for parking.”

An employee who works in Ward Hall, formally an employee of Carlisle, said she agrees with Housing’s decision. She indicated that the long term plans of the university would prove beneficial to all Ferris students. She requested to remain anonymous.

“I imagine, at least in the way, that more options will be open to those who live within commuting distances,” said the Ward employee.

The loss of the two halls resulted in the loss of 160 beds in total. “We were able to make up for those beds in other halls quickly by limiting most private rooms to dedicated private room floors and halls,” Shaffer said.

Shaffer also indicated that Housing reserves the right to turn single rooms into doubles if the need arises, but he does not foresee this being necessary in the near future. Honors students, except in “extreme circumstances,” would not be affected by these contingency plans. Plans for renovating the Rankin Student Center and renaming it the University Center are still in progress. n