Children are something most people look forward to in their lives, yet today it seems the trend of “oops babies” is becoming more and more popular. Are shows like “Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant” actually damaging the family structure in our society?
The statistical evidence as shown by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2009 shows 40 percent of all births were to unmarried women, and 10 percent of all births were to teen moms. While in 2010, the overall birthrate was down 2.6 percent. It should be noted that the teen births had actually gone down, and according to Planned Parenthood, in 2010, showed an all-time low.
To me, a family is supposed to be planned for. I understand the phenomenon of the “oops baby,” but that still doesn’t change me asking any of my friends or family members who have been knocked up “Why weren’t you on the pill in the first place?” The use of birth control and contraceptives in America has been increasing in the past few years, but the lack of education is still shown in the statistics of unwed mothers and teen moms giving birth. To me, it’s not a matter of morality that women find themselves unmarried and knocked up, it’s a matter of fiscal responsibility. Who is going to support this kid?
It would be unfair to say that every single mother is going to be on Welfare, but a mass majority will be. Statistics again are on my side with this. According to Planned Parenthood’s statistics, a majority of teen moms live well below the poverty level and almost half of all single parent households with children under the age of 18 fell below the poverty line. The real cause and crisis is lack of propriety from uneducated people popping out kids like they’re candy from a gumball machine. Science and statistics yet again back me on this. It is a reported fact that uneducated and impoverished people tend to have more children than educated and successful persons. This is not just an American phenomenon either. This evidence is translated to countries world-wide. Why?
The answer most commonly given is that birth control is unaffordable. That is a bold-faced lie in developed countries such as America. Lack of education concerning sex and reproduction is the answer. Many schools simply glance at the options of birth control and of having sex. I remember even in my health classes our teachers preaching abstinence over other options. Abstinence is always an option, but it’s not a realistic one, and never has been. Take for example the statistics (again) of the Puritan society of our forefathers in New England. Census reports show that nearly 80 percent of the brides married were pregnant at the altar.
A child needs a stable environment, and part of that stability comes from the fiscal responsibility of the parent(s) having the child. The strain that is being put on our society by the undereducated persons will only be rectified if organizations like Planned Parenthood, and other like-minded individuals spread the message: If you can’t afford a child, don’t have one. n
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