Carroll’s message teaches people key dating components to avoid drama and speaks about various topics including sexually transmitted diseases and how to treat one’s partner.
You Beautiful Black Woman in collaboration with Alpha Phi Alpha brought Carroll to campus to address topics that are seldom talked about. YBBW president and senior in health care systems administration Joy Haley believes Ferris does not address the dangers of STDs enough.
“Everyone feels embarrassed to talk about things like this, but they don’t have a problem with engaging in sexual activity,” Haley said. “We just want students to stay healthy and educate them on things they may not know about STDs, AIDS and HIV.”
Raven Ross, senior in social work, enjoyed Carroll’s presentation and sense of humor on topics such as dating, preventing rape, what one should and shouldn’t do in a relationship, why we date and what to look for in a future spouse.
“He engaged the whole audience,” Ross said. “No one could say they were bored, and that’s what we need; we don’t need just a lecture about dating. We get enough of those.”
While discussing sexual relationships, Carroll asked the audience, “Where’s the safest place to have sex?” After a few guesses by attendees, he answered his question with, “In a committed relationship.”
Though Carroll is now happily married, his dating career didn’t have a very promising start. His first relationship lasted a total of four hours. Carroll said that over the years, he has learned from his mistakes and now tries to help others in the dating world.
“Most people nowadays don’t say ‘I do,’” Carroll said. “They say ‘I maybe.’” His presentations aim to fight the rising divorce statistics.
With 60 to 75 people in attendance at the Feb. 7 event, Haley hoped for a better turnout.
“I wish that more students would come out to events such as this because they get a chance to be interactive and ask questions they may be concerned about,” Haley said. “We are just trying to bring awareness to the campus through different subjects that students face every day; sex, STDs and AIDS are major subjects college students should learn about.”
Ross believes that the Birkam Health Center has a good assortment of pamphlets about various STD concerns, but students should still attend events such as this.
“You can’t have too much awareness about it,” Ross said. “Some people just aren’t going to listen regardless though.”
Every person in attendance left Carroll’s presentation with a goodie bag containing items such as an issue of Real Health Magazine, condoms and four different kinds of lubricants.
“This lecture showed students how to develop relationships in a way that will enhance their lives and increase their success in life,” Haley said. “We learned how to use healthy dating techniques to avoid disease and drama which allow us to balance love, academics and student leadership positions.”