With many students being caught falsifying their hours, Ferris is looking to adopt new policies to better guard against similar actions.
A new policy is now in place for Kronos, the on-campus software used to record student employees’ hours. The new policy will prevent students from logging hours from off-campus computers.
In the beginning stages, everything did not go as planned as this new policy caused many employees of Ferris at off-campus sites to encounter problems. Because of these problems in the system, the system has been returned to its previous state.
“They are working on that issue before the restrictions go back in place,” John Randle, manager of Student Employment, said. This reversion is temporary.
Randle said there is not a clear number on how many students login from home while working, but added that departments are discouraged from allowing students to log hours while unsupervised.
“Restricting Kronos to on-campus computers just makes good sense,” Randle said. “It creates a much more secure environment for Payroll information.”
“It makes sense to only let students log into Kronos from off-campus locations,” Brett Bieth, a sophomore in healthcare systems administration and a former student athletic trainer for the university, said.
“Allowing off-campus logins could be easier for people with more flexible jobs, but I understand if they need to restrict it,” Bieth said. “I don’t think the changes in the system would have made it any more difficult for me to log my hours. I think most students won’t find any additional difficulty in their jobs because of the new policy.”
“We have over 1,900 student employees on campus,” Randle said. “A very small percentage of these students abuse the system. Our student supervisors have done an excellent job recently of identifying hours that are not legitimate and removing them before students get paid.”
An exact date has not been given for when this new policy is to take place. There are still bugs that need to be worked out before it can be implemented.
The new Kronos policy is on its way though, so student employees should take note.