Movies can be captivating, make you cry or make you fall out of your chair dying of laughter. On the other hand, a movie can be boring, cliché or downright disappointing.
When students were asked to share about the best and worst movies they’ve ever seen, they found it difficult to pinpoint a single one. Many students had several favorite movies but couldn’t think of an awful one. However, when they finally thought of a bad movie, it could be given a C or a D.
A.J. Petix
Senior, public relations
Best: “‘The (original) Matrix’ was such an original concept for the time. The graphics were phenomenal.”
Worst: “‘Thankskilling’ – It was low-budget, had a ridiculous story line and was tastelessly offensive.”
Suzanne Pazdernik
Senior, human resources management
Best: “‘Too Fast, Too Furious’ because it has all the action and Paul Walker.”
Worst: “The “Paranormal Activity” movies are really stupid.”
Scott Barger
Junior, business administration
Best movie: “‘Gentleman Broncos’ because although it’s really low-budget, it blows my mind.”
Worst movie: “‘Superbabies’ because it’s horrible.”
Morgan Andree
Senior, public relations
Best: “‘Titanic;’ I love that movie.”
Worst: “I Know Who Killed Me’ because Lindsay Lohan is in it, and she’s a terrible actress.”