Waking up in the mornings can be one of the toughest endeavors college students face in their day to day lives. This is especially true if you wake up just as tired as you were when you went to bed.
The reason behind this could be less about the length of sleep you received but more about when you woke up in the morning. And of course, there is an app for that.
Sleep Cycle by Maciek Drejak Labs, available for 99 cents for iOS6, allows users to choose a time range when they need to be waked up in the morning. Then, you let your phone charge in bed next to you and as you sleep, your phone records the movement in bed as it correlates to your quality of sleep.
When the morning comes, the app will work towards having the alarm go off during your most alert phase of sleep, allowing you to wake up more refreshed.
After each night, you can review the data to see certain issues with sleep such as not being able to fall asleep, inability to enter deep sleep, etc. It also correlates each night with a percentage of sleep quality. You can also keep track of your moods in the morning when you wake up or note certain activities that may affect your sleep for future inquiries.