Energy crisis

It may be from education or just a passion I have to be sustainable, but I am worried about where our nation is heading in regards to energy.

Over break I traveled to Tennessee and along the way, I saw the roller coaster of gas prices. The prices did not deter people from traveling though. This is an energy source most of us use on a daily basis, and it is polluting our air. Technology is improving and more vehicles are going electric or improving their miles per gallon.

During my travels I also saw fields upon fields filled with wind turbines. I was so excited to see that more and more wind turbines are being installed. I know some think these are more of a negative impact than positive, but why not use the wind? Wind is free, after all, and will always be here.

The space taken up by the turbines is smaller than the oil rigs we have that are drilling a non renewable resource. Wind is renewable along with solar energy.

As a nation and world we need to become smarter with our energy sources. Over time, the cost to install solar panels and wind turbines have decreased to become more affordable and give a better return on investment.

It will take time for people to adjust to this change, but something needs to be done to save the environment.

In many of my courses, topics include energy, so I am aware of the costs and what is available. I strive to recycle and reduce waste and use as little energy as possible. It is hard to change and overcome what we have become accustomed to.

Instead of driving to work, I choose to walk as much as possible. We are the ones who can make this change to reduce our carbon footprint. I think we all want to be able to stay on Earth and give our children the opportunity to one day follow in our footsteps in a cleaner world.

Take the time to do your own research and save the environment you live in. The wind turbines may not be aesthetically pleasing, but it is no different than a power line or building taking up space. It is quite simple: Reduce, reuse and recycle.


I totally agree with you, we must all “Reduce, reuse
and recycle”.

And I agree “Wind is renew­able along with solar energy”.


both are low density intermittent sources & our requirements are for
hi-density instantaneous power, the simple laws of physics prevent the former
supplying the latter.

You say “wind tur­bines may not be aes­thet­i­cally pleas­ing,”
but that’s a mater of personal taste. I find the 3 blade design reasonably appealing
but prefer the’ look’ of an inefficient triple expansion steam engine, although
for a power supply, function not form rules, so neither of those fit the bill.

You also say “the wind is free”, well so is coal, gas, solar,
uranium, water & timber.

All fuel is ‘Free’, the cost is in capturing & using it
– wisely.

You mentioned – “I was so excited to see that more and
more wind tur­bines are being installed.”

I bet the ‘renewables’ companies are more excited, knowing
that a gullible public is forced to pay them enormous amounts of cash for the
next 20 yrs for no benefit.

For a flavour of CASH
generated by windfarms per mth, (More than 50% is subsidy’s.) see-

( See this List of some (700ish) UK
windfarms – includes Generation
payments, OFGEM ROC payments +
Capacity factors, Outputs, Graphs, Maps. – )

The wind policy has succeeded in doing two things: ensuring
that we have rapidly escalating electricity prices and penalising UK
industry with Green taxes and high energy costs. If you doubt that, read the following
government report: ICF International, for the Department of Business Innovation
& Skills (BIS), ‘An International Comparison of Energy and Climate Change
Policies Impacting Energy Intensive Industries in Selected Countries’ (11 July

If the Billions wasted on wind power in particular, had been
spent on reducing our requirements instead of wanting to produce more, we would
be in a better place.

Wind tur­bines are not an appropriate technology for supplying
grid systems because of intermittency & the large backup (spinning reserve)
required. Because the intermittency of wind brings a huge financial penalty
Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland, have all cut back on wind installations
& are now building gas & coal stations (worryingly Germany is going for
brown coal ).

Wind tur­bines are used successfully in standalone desalination
plants, pumping water into reservoirs, etc where intermittency is not a problem.

I totally agree with you, we must all “Reduce, reuse
and recycle”.

And I agree “Wind is renew­able along with solar energy”.


both are low density intermittent sources & our requirements are for
hi-density instantaneous power, the simple laws of physics prevent the former
supplying the latter.

You say “wind tur­bines may not be aes­thet­i­cally pleas­ing,”
but that’s a mater of personal taste. I find the 3 blade design reasonably appealing
but prefer the’ look’ of an inefficient triple expansion steam engine, although
for a power supply, function not form rules, so neither of those fit the bill.

You also say “the wind is free”, well so is coal, gas, solar,
uranium, water & timber.

All fuel is ‘Free’, the cost is in capturing & using it
– wisely.

You mentioned – “I was so excited to see that more and
more wind tur­bines are being installed.”

I bet the ‘renewables’ companies are more excited, knowing
that a gullible public is forced to pay them enormous amounts of cash for the
next 20 yrs for no benefit.

For a flavour of CASH
generated by windfarms per mth, (More than 50% is subsidy’s.) see-

( See this List of some (700ish) UK
windfarms – includes Generation
payments, OFGEM ROC payments +
Capacity factors, Outputs, Graphs, Maps. – )

The wind policy has succeeded in doing two things: ensuring
that we have rapidly escalating electricity prices and penalising UK
industry with Green taxes and high energy costs. If you doubt that, read the following
government report: ICF International, for the Department of Business Innovation
& Skills (BIS), ‘An International Comparison of Energy and Climate Change
Policies Impacting Energy Intensive Industries in Selected Countries’ (11 July

If the Billions wasted on wind power in particular, had been
spent on reducing our requirements instead of wanting to produce more, we would
be in a better place.

Wind tur­bines are not an appropriate technology for supplying
grid systems because of intermittency & the large backup (spinning reserve)
required. Because the intermittency of wind brings a huge financial penalty
Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland, have all cut back on wind installations
& are now building gas & coal stations (worryingly Germany is going for
brown coal ).

Wind tur­bines are used successfully in standalone desalination
plants, pumping water into reservoirs, etc where intermittency is not a problem.

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