Marijuana in Lot 47
On Feb. 28 at 1 a.m., officers discovered subjects smoking marijuana in Lot 47. Two subjects were ticketed for MIP and a warrant request was sent to the prosecutor’s office.
Car hits meters
On Feb. 28 at 8 a.m., there was a report of a one-car accident in Bond Circle. The subject lost control of the vehicle striking the parking meters.
Stolen backpack
On Feb. 28 at 8:05 a.m., there was a report of a stolen backpack from the Ranking Center near room 175.
Fight in Lot 3
On Mar. 1 at 1:10 a.m., there was a report of a fight in Lot 3. One subject was referred to the Office of Student Conduct, and a warrant request was sent to the prosecutor’s office for disorderly conduct.
Vehicle damage in Lot 61
On Mar. 4 at 11:40 a.m., there was a report of vehicle damage in Lot 61. The mirror on the victim’s driver’s side door was broken off.
Operating while intoxicated
On Mar. 2 at 3:40 a.m., officers stopped a vehicle on Warren Ave. near Oak Street for erratic driving. The driver was found to be intoxicated and was lodged in the county jail.
Loud music in Merrill
On Mar. 2 at 10:50 p.m., there was a report of loud music in Merrill Hall. One subject was arrested for possession of marijuana. Hall staff handled the referral for loud music.
Theft from the Rec
On Mar. 4 at 9 p.m., there was a report of a theft complaint from the Student Rec Center. The victim’s id and keys were stolen from a coat which had been left on a bench.
Trespassing at Sports Complex
On Mar. 6 at 1:30 p.m., there was a report of a trespassing complaint at the Sports Complex. The suspect was identified and removed from campus.
MIPs in Lot 4
On Mar. 7 at 11:30 a.m., there was a report of subjects drinking in Lot 4. Five minors were ticketed for MIP.
Hit and run in Lot 61
On Mar. 8 at 12: 30 p.m., there was a report of a hit and run accident in Lot 61.
Another drunk driver
On Mar. 10 at 3:30 a.m., officers stopped a vehicle for defective equipment on State Street near Ferris Drive. The driver was found to be intoxicated and was lodged in the county jail.
Suspicious person near Miller
On Mar. 12 at 4:50 p.m., there was a report of a suspicious person near Miller Hall. The suspect was found and arrested for attempted burglary as well as resisting officers.
Ticket Totals: From Mar. 4 through Mar. 18, the Department of Public Safety reported 288 violations. Each violator was ticketed for a total of $4,420. The actual amount depends on whether the ticket was paid, voided or reduced.