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Student organizations of all types are available at Ferris: Greek, business, entertainment, multicultural and many more. Behind every event is a group of students working hard to bring some culture and excitement to Ferris.
There are different organizations to address every need or niche. Some serve as extensions of a field of study for further education, while others serve as entirely new and different realms for learning and exploration. All of them provide an opportunity for growth and meeting new, different people.
There are many organizations active in multicultural and social areas. The Hispanic Student Organization is leading the university in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, and Black Leaders Aspiring for Critical Knowledge is always active on campus.
Ferris also has a Habitat for Humanity chapter as well as a Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) chapter.
“Although we all come from different places, we all have the same destination; seeing an end to cancer during our lives,” Colleges Against Cancer President John Letherer said.
CAC also assists with Relay for Life every year, and this year is petitioning for a smoke-free campus
The College of Business boasts a number of successful student organizations, many of which are open to students in many fields. One such organization is the Ferris chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA).
“This year’s theme is ‘Make It Happen.’ As a team we want to promote personal and professional growth. We accomplish this by providing leadership opportunities and hands-on experience with professional development, community service and fundraising,” AMA President Samantha Lantvit said.
AMA is a five star organization open to all organizations. It regularly competes with other colleges in the United States, and is familiar to anyone with classes in the College of Business.
Self-improvement is an element of every organization, whether it is event-planning of Entertainment Unlimited or the physical fitness of a club sport. For those who believe sharp dressing is important, there is Student Fashion Alliance (SFA).
“SFA is a very laid back and fun student organization whose goal is to service the students of Ferris State University with remarkable Fashion advice for whatever motive is necessary,” SFA President Vincent Knight said.
SFA also gives clothing to the homeless, holds fashion workshops at their Tuesday meetings and co-host a fashion show with the International Student Organization at the end of October.
Regardless of the interest, there’s a way for most itches to be scratched. For a better idea of how to better themselves and get involved on campus, students can easily search