There are a few things that aren’t worth wasting time on. Among them are such things as Eli Roth movies, shame, and “what ifs.”
One of the most constant refrains I hear from Ferris students revolves around the basic premise of “what if Ferris was remotely close to actual civilization?” Imagine what wondrous things our various creative programs could do in a more metropolitan area, one with more options, they say in much less florid terms.
Technically, these mopers are quite right. One needs to only look at the opportunity Kendall students have with ArtPrize to see the possibilities.
Sadly, it seems that we won’t be waking to find Ferris suddenly standing in a big city, ripe for creative opportunities. “Give me the strength to know the things I cannot change,” and all that.
What we can do, however, is accept our uncivilized fate and have some fun.
Though that whining may make things seem hopeless, interesting and creative things aren’t as scarce as they’re made out to be. It’s all about finding the right people. It only takes a few people to make something happen. I mean, there’s a Pokemon club. All can’t be lost if there’s a Pokemon club.
Entertainment Unlimited isn’t the only group putting on events, and Music Industry Management isn’t the only group making music. There are things beyond even the most obvious bastions of entertainment. We’re in the middle of nowhere, sure, but that doesn’t mean the only entertainment is drinking and tubing. It shouldn’t take an entertainment eHarmony to find them.
Do a little digging. Shooters isn’t the only place to have some fun. And, if I’m wrong, there’s always Netflix.