The homecoming registered student organization (RSO) utilized its budget to create events for students during homecoming week.
Homecoming is an event that receives university funding annualy.
“Every year we get $3,000 from the Vice President of Student Affairs’ office,” Assistant Director at the Center for Leadership Activities and Career Services Amber Kneibel said.
The homecoming RSO is given sole responsibility over the funding.
“We’re lucky and fortunate enough to have rollover the past couple of years,” Kneibel said. “Our rollover [to be used] this year was $3,183.90.”
A budget breakdown for this year will be available in a few weeks, according to Kneibel.
“We spent a total of $3,045.68 last year, but we made $1,120, so we had a revenue from entry fees,” Kneibel said. “Only $1,925.68 was actually used out of the $3,000 that we got from the student affairs office.”
Kniebel explained that the money goes toward trophies, renting Williams Auditorium, posters and advertising for events.
Most of the events are covered by funding from student affairs, except for the comedian and king and queen competition.
“The comedian is a separate event that we do not pay for out of that amount just because personal service fees alone are way more than $3,000,” Kniebel said. “It doesn’t come out of our direct operating budget; it comes out of the finance division’s money that we go and request from them.
The king and queen competition income comes from the student entries. The application cost is $25, and the entry fee is $125. This year, four women and three men were on court. The total income from just the court was $1,050.
“Homecoming depends on budget,” Kneibel said. “Homecoming is one of those things where we do the best with what we have and try to be as fiscally responsible as possible.”