Campus life goes on

All activities and sporting events were canceled while police searched for the Venlo shooting suspect. The Rock Café remained open as students went about their day, some phased by the incident and others unaffected.  Photo By: Harrison Watt | Sports Editor
All activities and sporting events were canceled while police searched for the Venlo shooting suspect. The Rock Café remained open as students went about their day, some phased by the incident and others unaffected.
Photo By: Harrison Watt | Sports Editor
Although the search for the sus­pect involved in an early morn­ing shoot­ing near Ferris State University con­tin­ued, an ele­vated police pres­ence on cam­pus appeared to alle­vi­ate fears.

At 4:15 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, Ferris and Big Rapids DPS responded to a reported shoot­ing at Venlo Place Apartments. The vic­tim, a Ferris stu­dent, was hospitalized and released with minor injuries.

Around noon, Ferris stu­dents milled around the Rock Café as usual. The mood was calm, even light. Students in one cor­ner laughed and slapped each other on the backs as though it was just another nor­mal day in Big Rapids.

“No, it’s the same as nor­mal,” Ferris sup­ply chain man­age­ment freshman Leanne Leuthard said.

A Ferris DPS offi­cer was posted at the Rock entrance and declined com­ment mul­ti­ple times as per DPS pol­icy. He did not know how long he would be remain­ing on guard at the Rock.

Students took to social media to reach friends that live in Venlo apart­ments and share news with fel­low students.

“I actu­ally got up early and heard my room­mate on the phone talk­ing about it,” Ferris health care sys­tems admin­is­tra­tion sophomore Lauren O’Brien said. “So, my imme­di­ate reac­tion was to Google it, and I found it on the Torch website.”

Ferris crim­i­nal jus­tice sophomore Abbey Jensen said she received a cam­pus emer­gency alert text mes­sage at 7:16 a.m., three hours after the shooting.

Ferris head foot­ball coach Tony Annese, as well as assis­tant coaches Lou Esposito and Rob Zeitman, walked around greet­ing recruits for a pre-signing day visit.

Men’s head bas­ket­ball coach Andy Bronkema, clad in his crim­son team gear, sat at the island counter eat­ing on what was sup­posed to be a home game day against Saginaw Valley State University.

The bas­ket­ball and hockey games, as well as all other cam­pus events, were can­celled for Feb. 1. The Rock Café and FLITE Library remained open, and the Student Recreational Center opened at noon for nor­mal hours.

Ferris is pro­vid­ing coun­sel­ing ser­vices for stu­dents impacted by the incident.

Merrill Hall res­i­dent adviser Remmil Duldulao has worked with the uni­ver­sity to ensure the safety of his residents.

“All we had to do is, if any­one came to the desk, let them know, and let every­one know in the res­i­dence hall if they didn’t get the text mes­sage or the alert,” Duldulao said. “Everyone was a lit­tle wor­ried. They were afraid to walk around cam­pus. There are still peo­ple doing that, though.”

Another RA from Ward Hall was wary but less con­cerned about the situation.

“It’s one of those things where you see it hap­pen­ing at other cam­puses,” Ferris mar­ket­ing sophomore Andrea Steenwyk said. “You never think it’s going to hap­pen here, but the fact that it hap­pened off cam­pus makes it a lit­tle bit of a dif­fer­ent situation.”

Ferris music indus­try man­age­ment sophomore Neal Cortright was return­ing from a night out around the time of the shoot­ing but felt com­pletely at ease.

“We were just get­ting back around that time to our dorm,” Cortright said. “I feel safe on campus.”