Photo By: Olivia Odette | Photographer
Alpha Chi Rho (AXP) and Alpha Sigma Tau (AST) participated in AXP’s annual Freeze Out. Participants slept in tents, sleeping bags, blankets and lots of clothing from March 3 at 9 a.m. to March 5 at 7 p.m.
“We just pack on as many layers of clothing as possible and drink warm drinks like coffee and hot chocolate,” Ferris pre-med junior and AXP President Spencer Boyd said.
The participants stayed warm with a burn barrel set up by the Ferris groundskeepers. The Greek partners sold coffee to raise money for Habitat for Humanity.
“This year’s event was the most successful that I can remember,” Boyd said. “We raised over $250.”
Alpha Chi Rho is a national fraternity with five philanthropies: Habitat for Humanity, Children’s Wish Foundation, Feed the Children, Autism Society of America and American Cancer Society.
“We try to support as many of these as we can each year,” Boyd said.
According to Boyd, AXP and AST share Habitat for Humanity as philanthropy, so they collaborated to fundraise for the event.
Around 20 Alpha Chi Rho members participated this year with the support of the women of Alpha Sigma Tau.
Alpha Chi Rho has been hosting the Freeze Out event for five years.
“I’ve always enjoyed the event,” Boyd said. “It’s a great way to interact with people on campus as they go to and from class, and an even better opportunity for brothers to get to know each other better and have some fun.”