Excited to spread her message of love and acceptance, Niecey Wooten shared a glimpse of her experiences at Ferris Pride Week’s “Queer Monologues.”
Wooten, a psychology junior, delivered “Going In,” a monologue about hiding who you are to please others. “Going In” is a partner monologue that was performed with DSAGA adviser Emma Mentley.
“But if you let teenagers call each other ‘faggots’ because you’re too afraid of what people might think, going in is bad,” Wooten quoted.
Wooten thinks people need to hear true messages of diversity to fully understand what it is. She believes some people claim to be diverse, but they don’t realize diversity is more than just the color of someone’s skin. These motives give Wooten the inspiration to stand her ground for the LGBT community.
“Diversity is about race and religion; it’s about people with different backgrounds, interests, likes, dislikes and stories,” Wooten said.
Working to spread her story and message, Wooten has previously performed on campus at the “You Beautiful Black Women (YBBW) Poetry Slam” in March and “Ferris Has Talent” last year.
Wooten frequently writes slam poetry with her group, The Scarlett Letters. The Scarlett Letters are a four-piece female group that performs slam poetry about anything on their minds, whether it is current events or social issues. The Scarlett Letters’ first performance was at the “YBBW Poetry Slam” and they hope to perform again soon.
“Queer Monologues”, an annual free event that showcases students performing their own stories and perspectives of coming out and sexual identity, was hosted by the Diverse Sexuality and Gender Alliance (DSAGA) on April 6.