You know you can never look like them, but somehow you still stare in the mirror and wish your body were in that shape.
Within the last few years, there has been a spike in eating disorders across college campuses. According to the National Eating Disorder Association, 25% of all college females have struggled with an eating disorder – and how can you blame these girls?
With fads such as the thigh gap popping up everywhere across social media and stars getting idolized for having a 20-inch waistline, it isn’t hard to believe women across the nation are skipping dinner to watch the scale’s numbers drop.
It seems popular culture and the media have intensified the body issues women already have and are making even size 2 girls call themselves fat.
This is all changing, though, and that’s a relief. Celebrities are taking the influence they have and turning the tables – or, as Meghan Trainor puts it in her new song “All About That Bass,” “bringing booty back.”
Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lawrence, Iggy Azalea, J-LO, Kim Kardashian and newcomer Trainor are saying enough with all the skinny culture. We have a huge backside and curves and we are damn proud of it.
Since leaving high school and coming to college, I couldn’t avoid gaining the freshman fifteen, and I obsessed every moment over all the weight gain from Rock pizza and weekend beers going straight to my thighs and butt.
It was awful, and I hated that I had to go up a pant size – until all these celebrities starting showing off their curves, reminding me that it was okay. It wasn’t skin and bone models anymore that were being seen as the ideal – it was real-sized women who were a healthy weight.
Celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence are speaking out to Hollywood and refusing to lose weight for roles. Lawrence stated she didn’t want to influence young girls into dieting or having body issues because they wanted to look like her.
It’s ridiculous that girls at normal weights are dieting because they want to see there hip bones and a gap between their legs.
Its time to start looking up to these females. Embrace that booty, ladies. Love your body no matter what shape or size you are, because every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.