Bersano is currently studying abroad, his running-mate, Chauntel Wooten will be organizing his campaign. Candidates began active campaigning on March 16 at midnight and will end April 12 at 8:00 am.
On April 6 at 8 pm, there will be a presidential debate in University Center room 202 A between Carpenter and Bersano.
Voting will begin at 9 pm on April 6 and will continue until April 12 at 11 pm. Voting will be administered through the Center For Leadership, Activities, and Career Services office. CLACS will administer the election as an independent third party and will compile the results.
Wooten was the Director of Internal Assessment but stepped down to join Bersano’s campaign.
Student Government Association President Andrew Kalinowski appointed Speaker of the Senate Chris Cipko and Speaker of the House Mikaela Mason as Directors of Internal Assessment for the election.
Kalinowski will cast a vote for any decisions that result in a tie between Cipko and Mason.
Results will be announced on April 13 at 6 pm at the end of the General Assembly meeting.
The two candidates will be vying to head student government, which has seen a 100 percent membership increase since the end of the Fall of 2013. The voting membership has increased 164 percent in that time as well.
Amongst the end of the semester objectives, The BIG Event, known as the largest student-run philanthropic event in Michigan is on the docket the week of inauguration for whomever comes out on top in the election.
Student government has expanded its campus and community reach this year, by being represented in over 30 external operations, 17 of which were added within the year. Amongst them, the Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, the Leadership Council, and the Torch Editor-in-Chief selection committee.