"I do"

Debate on same-sex marriage

The Secular Student Alliance, the Truth Discovery Project and the Political Science Association are hosting a debate with the question, should same-sex marriage be legal in the United States?

The event will take place on April 22, in the University Center 202 from 6-9 p.m. The event is free for students and community members to attend.

The debaters will be Justin Schieber from the Reasonable Doubts Radio Show & Podcast and David Kallman of the Great Lakes Justice Center. The moderator will be Daniel Underwood from the Political Science Association. The Secular Student Alliance encourages healthy debates, so students will be able to ask questions after the debate.

“The Secular Student Alliance specifically picked Justin Schieber to be one of the debaters because we have worked with him before and he is a very intelligent man who is very knowledgeable on many topics. David Kallman was picked by the Truth Discovery Project, He is an attorney out of Lansing and from what we know, he is a very intelligent man and a great debater,” said Corinne Staten, vice president of the Secular Student Alliance.

Staten went on to say that the topic of the debate was decided by the Secular Student Alliance because equal rights are an issue that the Alliance cares about, and they wanted to become known as a group of accepting students.

“With all of our debates, we hope to achieve a more enlightened audience. We always bring both sides of an issue to our events so with ‘I Do,’ we are bringing in both sides: someone who agrees that everyone should have the right to marry who they love and someone who is against it for their religious reasons,” said Staten. “Though Ferris is accepting of the LGBTQA community, in a way, there is a long way to go before I could truly say it is accepting.”

The debate provides the opportunity for students to hear both sides of a common debate in our society and calmly discuss it in an accepting environment.

For more information, contact Steven Beckon, president of the Secular Student Alliance, at beckons@nullferris.edu or fsusecularstudent@nullgmail.com.