Ferris’ Finance Division of Student Government voted unanimously to allocate more than $50,000 to the Secular Student Alliance (SSA) to pay for Bill Nye to speak at Ferris.
SSA will also present their request at Student Government’s next meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 22, as all Finance Division allocations of more than $4,000 must be presented to Student Government for final approval.
Bill Nye’s speaking fee is $45,000. In addition, Nye’s transportation fee is $3,500. Other expenses were outlined in the group’s budget such as renting Williams Auditorium and advertising for the event.
Ferris students Corinne Staten and Steven Beckon presented to the division on behalf of SSA for the funds. The pair outlined the budget and discussed the potential learning experience for students.
Staten and Beckon argued Ferris is a science-oriented school and Bill Nye is an advocate for scientific research.
The Secular Student Alliance is an RSO at Ferris dedicated to promoting scientific reason. To learn more about the national SSA, visit secularstudents.org.