The Bowling Club has been off campus for the past five years due to lack of leadership experience, but this year students reestablished the club and even renamed themselves the “Bowldogs.”
“I bowled in high school and fell in love with it, and I just really wanted to bring it to my college campus,” said Ferris undecided sophomore and president of the Bowling Club, David Hunt.
The current team is made up of eight members and according to Ferris secondary education senior Bill Palek, the team is a big mix of people, including men and women and ranging from freshmen to seniors.
“We do so much more than bowl together,” said Ferris pre- pharmacy sophomore and secretary of the Bowling Club, Kathryn Pilczuk. “Things like eat at McDonalds, just hang out and we even go to church together.”
One word Palek uses to describe the club is “friendship.”
“The team is fun,” said Pilczuk. “We get along really well and just joke around together, but we are so supportive of each other.”
According to Hunt, the club has 11 tournaments lined up for the year, including bowling against Michigan State.
“I’m excited about the club because I get to bowl with people who love it as much as I do and we get to watch each other improve each week,” said Pilczuk.
According to Pilczuk, there is no experience needed to join, but you do need to be committed.
“If you have the will and want to bowl, you can join the Bowling Club,” said Hunt.
Palek has not been bowling for long, but he hopes to get better by bowling with the club. He has also met a lot of new friends.
“It is a lot of fun and only two nights a week,” said Palek. “It gives me something to do instead of sitting in the house.”
The club practices at 6 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday at The Gate, located at 706 Perry Street. They meet Wednesdays after practice in a meeting room at The Gate.
“I hope this club will bring another fun competitive club to campus and that it is something anybody can do and have fun with,” said Hunt.