Drink and dash
Jan. 20, 12:30 a.m., officers assisted the city police at Shooters with a subject attempting to leave without paying their bill. The incident was investigated by the city police.
Bumper cars
Jan. 28, 1:20 p.m., officers responded to a two-car crash in Lot 27.
Ice, ice, baby
Jan. 28, 2:30 p.m., officers assisted the Sheriff Department with a one-vehicle accident on 14 Mile Road near Northland Drive.
Dent and drive
Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m., officers investigated a hit and run in Lot 17.
Fleeing the scene
Jan. 29, 3 p.m., officers investigated a hit and run on Robin Court.
He’s your ex for a reason
Jan. 29, 6 p.m., officers received a report of stalking and harassment from a female student. The complaint was about a male non-student, the victim’s ex. The suspect was contacted and advised to leave her alone upon threat of charges being filed.
Jan. 30, 1 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle on Maple Street near State Street for driving erratically. The driver was found to be intoxicated and was lodged in the county jail.
Cranked up in Cramer
Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m., officers received a noise complaint about Cramer Hall. Four students were identified and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Busted in Bond
Jan. 30, 9:45 p.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Bond Hall. One student was identified and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Turn down
Jan. 30, 11:30 p.m., officers received a noise complaint about West Campus Apartments. The subjects was contacted and asked to quiet down.
Defective driving
Jan. 31, 1:10 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle on Perry Avenue near State Street for defective equipment. The driver was found to be without a license and was lodged in the county jail.
Night rider
Jan. 31, 1:10 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle on State Street, south of Perry Avenue, for not having their headlights on. The driver was found to be intoxicated and was lodged in the county jail. The passenger was also found to be intoxicated and was charged with an MIP and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Take it outside
Jan. 31, 2 a.m., officers assisted city police in breaking up a fight that occurred on Michigan Avenue near the back door of Shooters. One subject was lodged in jail.
Cat fight
Jan. 31, 3:30 a.m., officers investigated reports of a disorderly subject in Merrill Hall. Several females were found fighting in the hallway. Four students were referred to the Office of Student Conduct and two warrant requests have been sent to the prosecutor’s office.
Clouded in ‘Cook
Feb. 1, 12:35 a.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Vandercook Hall. The complaint was ultimately unfounded.
Ridin’ solo
Feb. 1, 10:15 p.m., officers responded to a one-vehicle accident on Knollview Drive near Lot 61.
Busted in Bond, part two
Feb. 1, 11:10 p.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Bond Hall. One student was identified and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Feb. 1, 11:15 p.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Merrill Hall. One student was identified and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Toking in Travis
Feb. 1, 11:35 p.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Travis Hall. The complaint was ultimately unfounded.
From Jan. 28 to Feb. 4, the Ferris State Department of Public Safety issued 439 parking citations, totaling $7,190.
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