Ferris’ American Marketing Association (AMA) students hosted their ninth annual College of Business glow bowling tournament last Thursday.
Ferris’ student chapter of AMA is a five-star campus organization and one of the top 10 of over 350 chapters in the nation. Each year, AMA Ferris joins the Ferris College of Business in hosting a glow bowling tournament at The Gate. Feb. 25 marked the ninth event since the tournament started in 2008, drawing in 14 teams of students and staff alike from all over campus.
“Overall, the event went very well,” said Ferris AMA vice president of fundraising Brandon Stabley. “It is one of our most fun events we hold all year.”
The tournament is composed of teams of five people each and awards are given out to the team with the best costume and the best overall scores. This year, the winning costume was a team dressed as the Flintstones. Other runner-up costumes included The Sims and Jet’s Pizza.
“We had very creative costumes this year, which is something that has lacked in the past,” said Stabley.
The best scoring team was “Team Trybus,” a group of men collected from Thursday and Friday night leagues at The Gate. The team shot 1901, which is an average of about 190 per bowler per game.
“Our team shot really well both games, and it was a great tournament overall,” said Ferris business sophomore and Team Trybus member, Jacob Johnson. “Our team name was Team Trybus in honor of professor [Chester] Trybus. We also won a plaque that will be given to professor Trybus.”
The money that AMA Ferris raised from the bowling tournament is going towards helping students attend the annual AMA conference in New Orleans, La., where marketing students and staff can learn from industry professionals about careers, gain sales practice and win awards for chapter successes.
“I encourage everyone to come out each semester,” said Stabley. “It is a great way to connect with others and you get to see some of the College of Business faculty out of their element.”