Hit and run
April 5, 4 p.m., officers responded to a hit and run in Lot 4.
Turned down for drugs
April 8, 8:50 p.m., two subjects were found in the possession of narcotics at Turn Up The Good. One person was ticketed with an MIP as well as a warrant being issued for possession.
Drunken rage
April 8, 9:25 p.m., officers investigated a report of a disorderly subject at Turn Up The Good. The intoxicated subject was told to leave two times before finally being arrested.
Alcohol poisoning
April 8, 11:45 p.m., officers assisted a student in distress in the lobby of the sports complex. The student was highly intoxicated and transported to the hospital for medical care.
Mary J in Merrill
April 9, 12:20 a.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Merrill Hall. One student was identified and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Hatin’ at The Gate
April 10, 2:20 a.m., officers assisted the Big Rapids police in breaking up a fight in progress outside of The Gate. One of the two subjects was a student and was referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Both parties were lodged in jail.
Busted with a BB gun
April 10, 2:55 a.m., officers assisted the sheriff department in the investigation of a man reported to have a gun in the University Parks Suites. The weapon in question was a BB gun and was turned over to the sheriff department.
Dirty McNerney
April 11, 12:05 a.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in McNerney Hall. One student was ticketed for possession and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Burned popcorn? Sound the alarms!
April 11, 10:20 p.m., officers responded to a smoke detector alarm in Miller Hall. A resident had burned popcorn.
Check yourself
April 12, 4:55 p.m., officers investigated a report of a two-car accident in Lot 52. One vehicle had backed into another.
Before you wreck yourself
April 12, 5:35 p.m., officers investigated a two-car accident in Lot 57. One vehicle had backed into another.
DPS issued 267 traffic and parking violations from April 8 to April 14, totaling $4,330.