On Sunday morning, I woke up and looked out of my window at Oakwood Townhouses to see what the damage was after the annual party during Music Takes Action, formerly known as Ferris Fest.
I saw trash, beer cans, furniture, a bike, a tire rim and broken bottles littering the courtyard of my home. Having lived at Oakwood for three years now, I was not a bit surprised at the scene that laid before me.
In the words of every parent of all time, I wasn’t mad. I was just disappointed.
Why is it that a bunch of drunk college students think that the earth is their trashcan? Oakwood has multiple dumpsters and even had 12 trashcans set up for life-sized beer pong that could also be used as garbage receptacles. Add that to the amount of trashcans in the 52 apartments surrounding the courtyard and you’ve got enough space to throw away anything one might need to get rid of.
Instead of doing that though, people decided to just drop their trash in the yard, break their bottles on the basketball court and carry on with their festivities.
Why is it so hard to walk over to a trash can and throw away your empty Solo cup or put your beer bottle in a bag to be recycled later? Why can’t we respect the ground we walk on and respect those who live at Oakwood and were nice enough to invite us into their apartments?
On Saturday, I was walking across the basketball court at Oakwood when I saw two recklessly thrown bottles break within 10 feet of me and even closer to others. Within that same hour, a woman threw a bottle off a sewer cover attempting to break it, but it bounced straight at my head. Luckily, I was able to stop the bottle with my hands before it hit me in the mouth.
I saw a post on Twitter that advised people not to bring dogs to Oakwood during the party because of all the broken glass, accompanied with a photo of a dog’s paw cut open badly by said glass. Fuckin’ DOGS, man! If we can’t coexist with dogs, then I have lost all hope.
I’m not saying don’t have fun and rage your faces off, I’m just saying try to respect the surrounding space and the surrounding people and most importantly, the surrounding canines while you’re having the time of your life.
Oh, and wear sunscreen. I look like a tomato.