1. Make sure to buy all fireworks from an accredited, authorized retailer and obey all local laws pertaining to their use.
2. Follow all of the instructions on the packaging. Never buy any fireworks that are not in manufacturer packaging!
3. Store fireworks away from children in a dry, cool place. Children ages five through nine years old are more than twice as likely to be injured by fireworks.
4. Light one firework at a time and back away to a safe distance. Make sure other people and pets are clear too!
5. Stay at least 25 feet away from houses and other potentially flammable material, and never point or throw a firework at other people, animals, vehicles or structures.
6. Light all fireworks on a paved surface far from flammable materials like grass, trees or mulch.
7. Keep a large amount of water nearby—either a bucket or a hose—and make sure that all used fireworks are soaked thoroughly before disposing of them.
8. Never try to relight a dud or approach a firework that was lit and did not explode within at least five minutes of the fuse going out, and even then it should be immediately submerged in water.
9. Be aware that not everyone loves loud explosions outside their house at all hours, so cut off the festivities at a reasonable time.
10. Remember that fireworks and alcohol do not mix. Have fun and be safe Bulldogs!
If you prefer to watch fireworks instead of ignite them, click here to find a complete list of municipal firework displays being hosted in counties across Michigan.