Aug. 16, 10:20 a.m., officers responded to a two vehicle accident near Pickell Hall.
You can’t do that
Aug. 17, 8:20 p.m., officers observed a female strike a male on State Street near Morrison. The suspect was arrested for domestic violence and lodged in jail.
Trashed and traveling
Aug. 18, 12:30 a.m., officers stopped a vehicle on State Street near Fuller. The driver was found to be intoxicated and was lodged in jail for OWI.
Night prowler
Aug. 18, 10 p.m., officers investigated a report of a suspicious subject near Taggart Hall. The suspect was located and removed from the grounds.
Aug. 19, 11:15 a.m., officers assisted the Sherriff’s Department with disorderly subjects in the Walmart parking lot.
But really, why?
Aug. 19, 11:52 a.m., officers assisted the Sherriff’s Department with disorderly subjects in the Menard’s parking lot.
Aug. 20, 1:20 a.m., officers observed a suspicious subject on Warren Avenue near Pine Street. The subject was contacted and found to be violating probation. The information was forwarded to the probation office.
Keep calm and…
Aug. 23, 3:12 p.m., officers assisted the Big Rapids police in locating a wanted vehicle. The vehicle was involved in an incident in front of JCPenny’s during which a female believed she was being abducted. The claim was the result of a miscommunication and was ultimately unfounded.
Welcome weekend
Aug. 26, 11:55 p.m., officers assisted the Sherriff’s Department with a situation in the parking lot of the Racquet Center. Two subjects were charged with MIPs.
Mary Jane in Merrill
Aug. 27, 12:20 a.m., officers investigated a marijuana complaint in Merrill Hall. The situation was handled by hall staff.
False alarm
Aug. 27, 5:20 p.m., officers investigated a report of marijuana near Birkam Health Center. The suspect was contacted and was not found to be violating the law.
Very mature
Aug. 28, 9:15 a.m., officers responded to a report of vandalism in Vandercook Hall. An unknown male had written profanities and drug references on doors and door frames. The investigation is ongoing.
Really funny
Aug. 29, 3:30 p.m., officers observed a subject activate an emergency blue light in Lot 55. The situation was found to be a prank and the student was referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Aug. 29, 6:45 p.m., officers investigated a two vehicle accident, resulting in damage of property, in Lot 2.
That’s not my name
Aug. 30, 1:10 p.m., officers were provided with information indicating an incident of insurance fraud. The investigation is ongoing.
Trouble on west campus
Aug. 30, 10:30 p.m., officers responded to a report of a disorderly subject in the West Campus Apartments. The suspect was identified and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Aug. 31, 1 a.m., officers responded to a harassment complaint in Bond Hall. The subject, who was experiencing unwanted contact via text, was advised not to respond.
Wait… what happened?
Aug. 31, 8:43 a.m., officers responded to a car-bicycle crash on Stadium Drive near Campus Drive. The bike had struck the car, resulting in minor injuries.
Dealing dope
Aug. 31, 11:10 p.m., officers investigated a suspicious vehicle in Lot 28. One student was arrested for the distribution of marijuana.
Sept. 1, 2:45 p.m., officers assisted the Sherriff’s Department with reports of a woman screaming and crying near Lee’s Autowash off of State Street. The woman was located and was found to be in distress following a breakup.