Should have been more careful
Sept. 4, 2 p.m., officers responded to a report of an unconscious male on the sidewalk by Lot 40. Emergency medical services were contacted and the subject was transported to the emergency room for over-intoxication. Once there he was found to be in possession of marijuana and was later transported to the county jail.
Toking in Travis
Sept. 11, 2:45 p.m., officers responded to a report of marijuana in Travis Hall. The substance was found and the case was sent to the prosecutor’s office.
Bad intentions
Sept. 8, 2:05 p.m., officers responded to a report of marijuana in Merrill Hall. One subject was found in possession of marijuana and, upon consenting to a search of their phone, was also found to be intending to distribute the substance. The case was sent to the prosecutor’s office.
For a special expanded On the Record incident report, see “Smashed” here.
The Ferris Department of Public Safety issued 543 parking tickets between Wednesday, Sept. 7, and Wednesday, Sept. 14, totaling $5,845.