Ferris hockey senior Chad McDonald picked up the tab for one lucky current student season ticket holder. McDonald, a forward on the Bulldog roster, wanted to give back to the Ferris student section, the Dawg Pound.
“My parents raised me to give back to a community that means so much to you,” McDonald said. “Ferris hockey isn’t special without the Dawg Pound. This is a thank you to give back to them for all the memories.”
The winner of the giveaway was Ferris hospitality management junior Luke Pattison. Pattison is an avid hockey fan who has been a Ferris season ticket holder since his freshman year.
Pattison first learned about winning from his friends texting him congratulations. Afterward, he saw an email from athletic communications associate and voice of Ferris hockey, Jared Shafran.
Pattison had already made plans to buy tickets next year so he wants to pay it forward.
“I emailed Jerad about paying the $99 to continue the giveaway. I don’t care if they keep it in Chad’s name or someone else’s but it would be awesome to be a part of it,” Pattison said.
Pattison has not gotten any confirmation on his idea but he said Ferris hockey might have plans to continue the giveaway regardless.
This year’s giveaway started with McDonald talking with the ticket office staff. He was informed there were some tickets that were left to be sold. He decided this was a great chance to follow through on what his parents taught him, so he paid for the season tickets.
This giveaway gave Pattison an opportunity to continue being a member of the Dawg Pound, but it may also ensure more future Dawg Pound members so they’re as rowdy and excited as ever. That same rowdy and excited energy from the stands translates to the ice.
McDonald said, “I know I speak on behalf of all the seniors and guys that have been here but [the Dawg Pound] brings a whole different element that’s irreplaceable. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we’re at.”
Backed by the Dawg Pound, Ferris hockey has been a successful program during McDonald’s tenure. During that time, Ferris made a final eight appearance and has won a Western Collegiate Hockey Assosication (WCHA) title. This year, McDonald expects more of the same despite losing key players like Kyle Schempp and Simon Denis.
Last year, McDonald had a career high in goals, assists and points with 10, 15 and 25 respectively. The Bulldogs will need more of the same from him this year. Regardless of how he or the team performs, they will be backed by the Dawg Pound plus one more lucky Dawg that won the tickets from McDonald.
McDonald said, “If a little ticket giveaway that I can do is enough to show my appreciation, that’s great. There’s not going to be enough I can do to show them what they’ve given us.”
Though the giveaway ended on Wednesday, Sept. 21, student season and game tickets will still be available.
The Bulldogs athletics ticket office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and starting at noon on Saturday game days. Tickets can be purchased from the ticket office or by calling Startickets at 1-(800)-585-3737 if you’d like to purchase over the phone.