Hundreds of students lined up outside of the Center for Leadership, Activities and Career Services (CLACS) for the chance to catch their own Pokémon.
CLACS opened the “Stuff a Pokémon” event at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29, in the University Center. Before 8 a.m., however, there were nearly 150 people lined up ready to claim and stuff a Pokémon.
The Pokémon available to students were a few of the most well-known from the Nintendo games, such as Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.
“I had no idea what I wanted when I went back there, and I saw how cute Pikachu was, and I went for Pikachu,” said Ferris biology senior Analiese Schmitt. “This one is all for me. I gift to myself some things, like a cute Pikachu.”
Ferris plastic engineering technology junior Brayden Knapp said he’s missed plenty of other events he wanted to participate in and he wasn’t going to miss this one.
Knapp chose Charmander because it’s the one he chooses first when playing the Nintendo games.
“My cousin got me into the games when I was a kid, probably around 2004 or 2005, and I’ve always enjoyed the fire-starters,” Knapp said.
Members from the Granbulls Card Club registered student organization (RSO) also turned out for the event to stuff a Pokémon and talk with others who were interested in the games or the creatures themselves.
“My goal is just to have fun. We have Pokémon games, cards and books,” said Ferris integrative studies senior, and secretary of the Granbulls Card Club RSO, Albert Allen. “One thing we do when we meet is a game called ‘Pokemon Adventure.’ It’s a specialized game we made with Pokémon cards. I don’t how long it’s been going on since I’ve been with the group for three years, but there’s enough cards for players to be a trainer trying to catch other Pokemon.”
Allen said the “Pokémon Adventure” event hosted by the RSO reminds him of Pokémon GO, except the only way to catch them all is to face other players.
“We have Magic: the Gathering, and other card games. We also get together to play Super Smash Brothers. We like games that are multiplayer where people can play together,” said Ferris pre-digital media and digital animation sophomore Nathan Michell.
The Granbulls Card Club meets from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Sunday on the first floor of the University Center, according to their Ferris OrgSync page.
“If you have free time on a Sunday, we like to play games and have a good time. Anyone can stop by the University Center tables, we’ll be there,” Michell said.
The motivation for CLACS to host the Pokémon event was to get people familiar with the location of their office in the University Center.
“Most of our lobby events are to get people aware of our office,” said Ferris hospitality management sophomore Allison Finch. “A lot of people have no idea where the CLACS office is or what we do.”
For more information about CLACS, visit ferris. edu/careerservices/.