On the Record

Hurling hot sauce

Oct. 4, 4:25 p.m., officers responded to a report of marijuana in Vandercook Hall. One individual was identified and a warrant was sent to the prosecutor for possession.

Just a little change
Oct. 5, 10:40 a.m., officers ticketed a student for altering a parking permit.

Hitting and running
Oct. 6, 1:45 p.m., officers responded to a report of a hit and run accident in Lot 42.

*Screeching metal*
Oct. 6, 2:30 p.m., officers responded to a two car accident in Lot 27.

Oct. 6, 6 p.m., officers contacted an intoxicated subject at the Ewigleben Ice Arena. The subject was found to be a minor and received a MIP.

Oct. 7, 9:50 a.m., officers investigated a report of cash stolen from a desk drawer in the science department.

Running and hitting
Oct. 7, 9:55 p.m., officers responded to a report of a hit and run accident in Lot 3.

Drunk but not driving
Oct. 8, 10:20 p.m., officers encountered a suspicious subject in Lot 39. The individual was found to be intoxicated but had no intention of driving and was released.

Hurling hot sauce
Oct. 8, 10:30 p.m., officers responded to a report of a disorderly subject in the Rock Café. A male student was chasing a female student around the dining area and throwing hot sauce at her because she had taken his hat. The individuals were escorted from the premises.

Locked out
Oct. 8, 10:55 p.m., officers investigated a civil dispute in the West Campus Apartments. One tenant had locked the other out of the residence. The situation was resolved between the two of them.

Breaking without entering
Oct. 10, 10:40 a.m., officers responded to an incident at a ground’s maintenance shed. One of the windows had been broken, however nothing was found to be missing.

Reefer bonding
Oct. 11, 4 p.m., officers responded to a report of marijuana in Bond Hall. One individual was identified and lodged in jail for possession.

The Ferris Department of Public Safety issued 343 parking violations totaling $5,580 between the dates of Oct. 6 and Oct. 12.