Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is raising money and awareness at Ferris by passing around a purple toilet seat to other registered student organizations (RSOs).
The toilet is purple for CACs partnership with the American Cancer Society to recognize all cancers. October is breast cancer awareness month and CAC decided to decorate the toilet pink to represent and bring attention to breast cancer.
Once an RSO is given the toilet, they will have seven days to either pay CAC $10, pay $15 to pass it to another RSO or pay $20 for “toilet insurance” for immunity for 20 days. Each day the toilet is held over the allotted seven days, there is a $1 charge and all money will be donated.
“My favorite thing about it is that it has the potential to get the entire campus involved,” said Ferris business administration and human resource management sophomore Greg Brunner.
According to Ferris music industry management junior, and the president of CAC, Catherine LoSchiavo, they have tried having tables in the IRC and UC but were often ignored.
“The purple toilet is a way to grab peoples attention,” LoSchiavo said. “We wanted to get students aware that cancer is a tyrant and affects the lives is everyone, whether it’s directly or indirectly.”
According to Ferris pre-dental hygiene junior Caitlyn Toering, this has been on campus since January of 2016.
“When people hear about the fundraiser, they think it is different and unique, since it’s new, there hasn’t been a lot of talk about it but many RSOs expressed that they enjoyed the idea behind it,” Toering said.
LoSchiavo added that she enjoys the excitement that RSOs have and how they want to get involved.
“It’s not only a good feeling to see an idea follow through but also have that idea well received,” LoSchiavo said.
CAC is planning a dodgeball tournament to end the fundraiser and the RSO that raised the least amount of money will have a disadvantage.
The fundraiser started Wednesday, Oct. 12, and will run through the end of the semester. So far, it has reached two RSOs.