UPDATE, 11:20 a.m. 11/9/16 – The polls are closed and the votes are counted. Donald Trump has been declared the winner and will succeed Barack Obama on January 20th. Trump is the first United States President to have no government or military experience.
Multiple news sources speculated that the reason Clinton lost the presidency was because of usual democrats voting for a third-party candidate out of spite. Others are saying that she was untrustworthy.
According to another poll conducted by the Torch, 67 percent of student participants said they felt “scared” of the outcome of the election, while 19 percent felt “excited.” The rest reported being “indifferent.”
Ferris music industry management junior Rachel Brandimore was appalled at America’s decision.
“I’m a white American, so I may not be directly affected by this huge mistake in the American people’s part,” Brandimore said. “But I am worried for my neighbors though who are black, LGBT, Muslim, females and any one outside of Trump’s norm. Trump is an isolationist who has absolutely no idea how to run a country and we should all be concerned about that.”
After this election, the Senate and the House of Representatives are also controlled by Republicans.
“It was definitely a shocking first election to take part in. Neither candidate had any love–nor respect, for that matter–from the other side and it led to an election that emulated most soap operas. Our nation will all work out in the end, though, I’m confident in that,” environmental biology senior Chase Louwers said.
UPDATE, 11:20 p.m. 11/8/16 – Ferris seems to be split down the middle when it comes to the big decision.
Ferris pre-optometry freshman Emily Laforce was pleased with how the election was going so far.
“I like that I see a lot of red,” she said. “Honeslty I don’t like Hillary too much. She should be in jail. My whole family is a republican so that is kind of how I just panned out.”
Ferris nursing freshman Pia Tungabosa was not only worried about the results of the election, but scared.
“I’m worried where America is headed now. Its been the greatest country in history but right now I feel like it is going to collapse,” Tungabosa said.
Tungabosa is from Burundi East Africa. If Trump wins, she said she, “would probably pack my bags and head back to Africa,” she said.
Ferris business administration freshman Janelle Scott was also weary of the result.
“It is partly my fault; I did not vote because I wasn’t registered here. I’m praying Trump does not win. Honestly I am scared for what is going to happen because he brings out the worst in people. America is already super divided, and I think if he wins, I think it will get way worse than it is right now. Even if Hillary is not a good president, we can come back from her. After Trump though, we would be done.”
Many states are currently too close to call, but Trump is leading the electoral vote with 232 electoral votes while Clinton has 209.
UPDATE, 10:20 p.m. 11/8/16 – According to a poll by the Torch, 42 percent of Ferris students voted for Trump today while 40 percent voted for Clinton. The other 18 percent voted for a third-party candidate. Issues that students care about range from economics to the environment.
“I came to see the outcome of the election. It’s the future of our country and I think its important for us students to be apart of it. It will affect all of us,” Graphic design sophomore Adam Pedersen said.
Pederson is an avid Donald Trump Supporter, complete with a “Make America Great Again” hat.
“I like Trump’s stance on economics. I like his policies. I know the media trashes on Trump’s views on foreign affairs and it is biased, its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be,” Pedersen said.
Marketing junior Drake Buurstra says that environment is an issue he is passionate about.
“Climate reform is important to me. Climate change is honestly the biggest issue right now whether we like it or not. Businesses need to be more regulated and we need alternative energy sources that are cleaner, instead of coal and oil,” Buurstra said.
Trump currently leads the popular vote by 2.1 percent and the electoral college by 35.

With polls closed across the east coast and Midwest, states are reporting their numbers in the 2016 presidential election.
The Republican nominee, Donald Trump currently leads the democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, 128 electoral votes to 97 electoral votes.
“I’m not surprised,” plastics junior Anthony Waterbury, “I think Trump is the lesser of two evils and I think he is going to carry Michigan.”
Michigan is an important swing state in the election that is worth 16 votes.
“I’m kind of scared,” Information Security Intelligence junior Briana Johnson said. “Trump is leading and only needs 270 to win and Hillary is behind.”
This was Johnson’s first time voting in a presidential election.
“It was my first time actually voting, I felt the need to vote because I really do not want Trump in office. Every vote counts,” Johnson said.