Not playing nice
Oct. 26, 9 a.m., officers responded to a harassment complaint regarding one student feeling antagonized by another student. The situation was referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Roomie squabble
Oct. 26, 6:20 p.m., officers responded to a report of a civil dispute between roommates in Cramer Hall. The parties were referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Failure to yield
Oct. 26, 8:25 p.m., officers responded to a two vehicle accident near Knollview Drive. One individual was ticketed for failure to yield.
No money, mo’ problems
Oct. 26, 8:45 p.m., officers responded to a larceny complaint in McNerney Hall where money had been taken from a room. The investigation is currently ongoing.
Incredibly improper
Oct. 27, 1:30 a.m., officers stopped a vehicle on State Street for improper plates. The driver was ticketed.
Oct. 27, 11:30 a.m., officers responded to a vehicle damage complaint in Lot 50 where the molding on a car had been removed and taken.
Sudden impact
Oct. 27, 1:45 p.m., officers responded to a two vehicle accident in Lot 37.
Oct. 28, 12:40 a.m., officers responded to a noise complaint on Finch Court. The party was contacted and asked to quiet down.
Running away
Oct. 28, 8 a.m., officers responded to a report of a hit and run accident in Lot 40.
Sudden impact 2
Oct. 28, 4:20 p.m., officers responded to a two vehicle accident on North Campus Drive near the Timme Center.
Not my Nintendo
Oct. 28, 9:25 p.m., a report was filed regarding a Nintendo gaming system stolen from the lobby of Cramer Hall.
I, umm, forgot my wallet…
Oct. 28, 9:30 p.m., officers stopped a vehicle on Ferris Drive near Bond Hall for not having their headlights on. The driver was then ticketed for driving without a license.
Drunk and wandering
Oct. 29, 2:10 a.m., officers investigated a report of a suspicious person near the Rock Café. The suspect was located and found to be an intoxicated female in need of medical attention. She was transported to the hospital for further evaluation.
A series of unfortunate events
Oct. 29, 10:15 p.m., officers stopped a vehicle on State Street near Ferris Drive for defective equipment. The driver was arrested and lodged in jail for carrying a concealed weapon. The passenger was additionally found to have an outstanding warrant in another county.
Seriously pissed
Oct. 30, 4 p.m., officers responded to a report of malicious destruction of property in the West Campus Apartments. There was a verbal dispute resulting in damage to a vehicle in the parking lot. A warrant was sent to the prosecutor’s office.
Peeping Tom
CARTOON SPECIAL Oct. 31, 2:50 p.m., officers responded to a report of a disorderly subject in the lower level of FLITE Library. The suspect was observed attempting to take photographs under the wall of the bathroom stall in a gender neutral bathroom. The investigation is ongoing.
Oct. 31, 9:30 p.m., officers stopped a vehicle on State Street near Ferris Drive for driving erratically. Driver was found to be intoxicated and was placed under arrest and lodged for OWI.
Blazing in Bond
Nov. 1, 11:20 p.m., officers responded to a report of marijuana in Bond Hall. One student was identified and ticketed for possession.
Kicking the can
Nov. 2, 1 a.m. officers responded to a report of a disorderly subject in Bond Hall. The individual was upset and kicked a trash can in anger. They were removed from the residence hall for five days.
The Ferris Department of Public Safety issued 394 tickets between the dates of Oct. 26, and Nov. 2, totaling $6,230.