Ferris dental hygiene sophomore McKenzie Freeman is a student who was determined to endure the ups and downs of the “college experience.”
Freeman is from Birch Run and she came to Ferris in hopes of expanding her education to create a better future.
Freeman’s course load includes taking Advanced English Composition, Public Health, Health Care Information Systems, Marketing and Health Care Management.
“My Mondays and Wednesdays are my busiest because I don’t have class Tuesdays or Thursdays,” Freeman said.
Freeman works at Selfies Soup and Salad between classes forcing her to have to schedule her work around her courses.
When the day is over, Freeman likes to unwind by participating in three on-campus organizations: Ferris Club Tennis, PetSavers and her sorority, Delta Zeta.
Being involved in the Ferris community has given Freeman the opportunity to better transition into college while meeting new friends and life-long sisters.
“I know McKenzie through our sorority. We met during one of our first sorority events and found out that we lived down the hall from one another,” said Ferris human resource management freshman Mollie Doornbos.
Ferris psychology freshman Taya Treiber is another sorority sister who recalls some of the adventures she and Freeman had.
Treiber’s favorite memory with Freeman is going to Walmart to buy frames for their composites, a photo with their sorority name and every current sorority member.
Although Freeman may be able to let loose at Walmart and sorority dances, she still considers her spring semester to be a hectic one.
“My stress level is higher than average, I would say about a seven or eight,” Freeman said.
Freeman grew up in a close-knit, supportive family. Freeman prefers to spend what little free time she has with her friends and family, though her time for relaxation is slim this semester.
“I honestly don’t go home often. If I’m lucky, once a month. But mostly for events at home like weddings and such,” Freeman said. “Usually, if I go home I’m missing out on opportunities and events with my RSOs here on campus.”
Freeman plans to find a job in dental hygiene so that she can live independently and someplace warm in the future.