Keeping your money

Money-saving tips for the broke college student

Graphic by: Jordan Lodge | Production Manager

The freshman 15 haunts some students’ minds from the time they leave high school. Even though a student may gain weight from eating pizza and binge-watching Netflix all day, it’s sad to say a heavier wallet is not a concern for Ferris students. 

In college, every student will feel the effects of having a tighter budget. No matter what age or major, it’s something every single student struggles with. 

Keeping up with appearence in college may be a struggle for some. Between sharing a bathroom, not having enough time for taking care of bed head or just not having enough room for all your clothes, it can become stressful. 

Having the money to maintain that unique style could become a problem as well. 

If a student is fashionable and looking for some tips in having a unique look under a budget, Ferris political science freshman Allyson Faulkner has a suggestion. Her biggest tip for saving money in the college world is to “find things you like and create them for yourself, or find it cheaper.” 

Taking up the skill of sewing is not only useful in creating clothing that is unique to one individual but it is helpful to know how to repair clothing. 

Another benefit is that when one gets very good at this skill, others will pay for these services. This could be a nice way to make some extra cash. 

In regards to finding things for cheaper prices, check online clothing stores. However, don’t forget about stores such as Walmart and Meijer, which are conveniently located on Perry Avenue. 

Ferris psychology freshman Devon Burse Jr. has his own way of saving money. 

“In terms of saving, I like to keep myself motivated, so I created a reward system,” Burse said. “I want this new IKEA rug for my dorm but I’m making myself wait until I complete the daily homework and other responsibilities for the week.” 

At the end of the day, every student is in college to eventually make more money than minimum wage. That may be enough motivation for some to save money in the current moment. However, creating an incentive for saving and getting work done is a great way to multi-task. 

Ferris electrical engineering sophomore Grant Joslin found that his key to saving pocket change was simple: one step at a time. 

“I stopped buying candy I didn’t need,” Joslin said. 

Joslin, like many college students trying to save money, discovered that college, money and food are practically synonymous. If a student has an unlimited meal plan, then they should definitely be using it every dining chance they get. If a student needs more energy but doesn’t want to spend time in a crowded dining hall, they can check out the new take-out options at the Quad café, which is located inside the University Center. Overall, try to avoid buying candy and other small food items that won’t give sustained energy. 

Aside from skimping on junk food and finding food more worth your buck, Joslin found ways to save money before classes even started. 

“Order things online as much as you can,” Joslin said. “Plan ahead on what you need to buy and research for the best prices.” 

People always say that students have to do a lot of research in college and it’s not just for classes. Finding the best deal on a book takes time and sometimes a lot of it. Check sites such as Amazon and Chegg first. However, some books have to be bought at the Ferris bookstore. 

Cutting down on unnecessary spending is essential for trying to save money. If extra money magically seems to show up somewhere, save it.