I absolutely love dogs. I might even be obsessed! These days, who isn’t?
Dogs are hilarious, sweet and too pure for this world. I wish everyone could have a dog that they cherish so they would be happier and there would be no more homeless dogs.
With that being said, is it a good idea to get a dog in college? As a dog owner, I am so torn on this subject but ultimately, I say no.
There is so much that goes into raising and caring for a dog. It is a full-time job in itself. They need to be housebroken, trained not to bark at everything they see, taken for walks and of course, fed. They have wants and needs, like any other living thing and the only one who can provide those things is you.
In college, we are already worrying about attendance policies for upwards of 12 credit hours, work, extracurricular activities, resume builders and then on top of all of that, trying to find time for the loads of homework assigned each week.
College is a time when students are learning to take care of themselves and learn about life without parents constantly telling them what to do. Bringing another life into your home can make the transition that much harder.
Then on top of everything else, not all landlords and apartment complexes allow dogs.
This makes the search each year for a new home extremely difficult. Many students have no idea where they are going to be after college, which poses a whole new problem. There are certain cities across the country that are very lenient with their dog policies and others that are extremely strict.
Would a freshly graduated student give up a prospect of a job because they can’t find a pet-friendly living situation? Or would the number of dogs living in shelters and the streets grow?
As amazing as dogs are, they are time and money, both of which college students tend not to have.
I would say to wait. These four years at college are meant for self-growth and learning the ups and downs of a sort of freedom before “the real world.” Once they are done and you are established in a home with a career, please march on down to your local shelter and adopt all the dogs your heart desires (and budget allows for).
Until then, you can get your dog fix by volunteering at the Animal Rescue Coalition located right here in Big Rapids. Or even find a friend with a dog and offer to dog-sit so they can actually get some homework done.