Remembering the dead is significant to all cultures across the world. In Japan, they celebrate Obon, in China, the Hungry Ghost Festival and in the United Kingdom, Guy Fawkes Night.
One of the most widely-known celebrations is the Mexican Day of the Dead—Día de los Muertos.
Ferris pre-digital media sophomore Izzy Ledesma usually spends the day by getting together with his family and creating a memorial collage of past families, making food such as mole cookies and bread, and ends his day visiting the cemeteries of his family to pray.
“Many people perceive Día de los Muertos as a day where you just put on masks with paint or eat a whole bunch of sweets. It is actually a day that is very special to the Latino community to celebrate the memories and the dreams that we’ve had in our family,” Ledesma said.
While the celebration involves rejoicing the dead, Ferris is also giving students the chance to experience cultural activities and participation is always welcome.
Ferris forensic biologist senior Robyn Johnson is secretary of the Spanish club and hopes the event will help spread familiarity of the Mexican holiday to students who either don’t know about it or have little understanding of it.
“There will be coloring pages, candy skull painting, making flowers out of paper and making traditional papel picado decorations. The students are also encouraged to bring a picture of a deceased loved-one to put on the decorated alter honoring those who have past,” Johnson said.
Día de los Muertos is celebrated from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2. Previously, it was not celebrated in Mexico due to religious beliefs but over time it became incorporated into other traditions across the globe and has become a national symbol.
“El Día de los Muertos is the day where I can celebrate my ancestors. And what I mean by ancestors, I mean family from hundreds of years ago to family that have recently passed away. I want to celebrate their lives in memories that they have made with me or have an impact on my family,” Ledesma said.
Día de los Muertos will be held Nov. 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the West Campus Community Center.