Students are marking their calendars and counting down the days until Thanksgiving break.
“Everybody usually comes to our house on Thanksgiving. It’s an all-day affair,” Ferris automotive management sophomore Riley Brinks said.
For other students, Thanksgiving is more than just turkey. It’s a time for unique family traditions.
“We usually debate about which house to go to and everyone brings a dish to the table. We also give each other those little gift poppers. We also usually watch the football game that’s on TV,” Ferris secondary education sophomore Nathan King said.
The poppers at King’s Thanksgiving have made some interesting memories in the past.
“We heard the popping sound but couldn’t find the toy. Sometimes they hit people in the face. We spent a good 30 minutes looking for this little knick-knack toy and it was hiding in someone’s mashed potatoes,” King said.
Along with Thanksgiving comes a day that retail workers dread but consumers love: Black Friday—a day when trampling other shoppers and getting into fights is somehow acceptable to the general population.
“I plan on going to Best Buy so I can get a good deal on a new phone. My current phone is really crappy,” Ferris business administration sophomore Aisha Betts said.
Though Betts hasn’t been able to go Black Friday shopping in the past due to lack of family participation, she does look forward to watching the football game with her family, which is an annual tradition.
“My dad gets really into the games. This one time, the Lions scored a touchdown. When my dad stood up, he made the table flip and I got a bowl of stuffing all over me,” Betts said.
While some students look forward to spending time with family and shopping to their hearts content, Ferris psychology sophomore Meghan Kelly is nervous to find out what working in retail during Black Friday will mean for her.
“I don’t usually go Black Friday shopping but I will be working at a store on the day. I’ve heard it’s crazy and hectic. I will be at the JCPenney in town,” Kelly said.