Members of the Ferris sorority Sigma Lambda Gamma spent about a month in preparation for its recent coming out performance.
Saturday, Dec. 2, in the IRC, Sigma Lambda Gamma hosted a coming out performance where the sorority revealed its two newest members, Ferris social work junior Anna Rivera and Ferris nursing junior Diana Giles. About 30 people came to watch the performance, according to Ferris social work senior and Sigma Lambda Gamma President Jayla Caver.
“The purpose of this show was basically to surprise the campus of who our girls were and have them come out,” Ferris criminal justice senior and Sigma Lambda Gamma Vice President and Treasurer Nikeila Jordan said. “When we have sisters, we keep them secret until the actual event. Some sisters do not like probates or coming out shows, so they just come out but some sisters like the show. They want to recite the information. They want to surprise everyone.”
Rivera and Giles cited information about the sorority and themselves, followed by a grand reveal. However, Caver said that the coming out performances are optional.
“It just depends on if the girls want one or not,” Caver said. “These girls did want one and we did it.”
Caver also explained that being a part of a sorority has benefited her college experience.
“I just have more sisters around with me at all times that I don’t have back at home,” Caver said. “I don’t really have close sisters back at home. It just gave me a sense of family style and just having someone to look up to, having someone to learn from and having someone guide me in the right direction.”
Jordan said being in a sorority is bittersweet.
“The reason I say it’s bittersweet is because being a sorority member is very time consuming,” Jordan said. “But on the other hand, you gain great sisters. You gain basically a family away from home and that’s what I really needed, was a family away from home.”
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