The room was cramped, people pushing their way to the front in hopes of seeing one of the best boy bands to grace the music industry.
As minutes passed, I began to become more impatient until, finally, out they came.
As the room filled with cheers, myself included, BROCKHAMPTON greeted the crowd before jumping into their single “Boogie.” I joined the crowd as we all jumped in beat to the song, singing along enthusiastically. To say the concert was amazing would be an understatement in my eyes.
The energy changed as BROCKHAMPTON continued to play through the night. While one minute it was intense with the audience even forming mosh pits, the next it became relaxed.
I remember hearing one concert-goer note how, while in the mosh pit, he noticed two other concert-goers almost begin to fight but at the change of a beat in the song, they were suddenly friends.
I will be the first to admit I was hesitant about attending the concert but after a friend of mine introduced me to their music, I found myself listening to their albums more and more, and I eventually coughed up the $45 to see them live.
I was not disappointed.
Out of the concerts I’ve seen, BROCKHAMPTON has been one of the best. The set list included songs from the three albums they released in the span of 2017: “SATURATION,” “SATURATION II” and “SATURATION III.”
For those who haven’t heard of them and like music by Kid Cudi, Childish Gambino or Kendrick Lamar, I would recommend checking them out. Some songs I would recommend you begin with are “Boogie,” “Star” and my personal favorite, “Zipper.”
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