How did you meet your significant other?

“My current boyfriend and I used to work together, then we became friends. Then he became my boyfriend.” – Ferris music industry management sophomore Allyson Hunter

“I was going out with this one girl and she ended up leaving me for my current girlfriend’s brother. My current girlfriend’s name
is Paige.” – Ferris music industry management sophomore Troy Wietecha

“I met my boyfriend, Berek, at Shooters when he introduced himself to me. We exchanged Snapchats and got to know each other over lunch at the Quad during the next few weeks.” – Ferris criminal justice sophomore Jenna Roland

“My girlfriend, Kayla, was the designated driver one night and picked me up from Taco Bell at 2 a.m.” – Ferris heating, ventila- tion, air conditioning and refrigeration sophomore Spencer Dodde

“My boyfriend, Kyle, was in my creative writing class in high school and my friend encouraged us to start talking.” – Ferris radiography freshman Allison Dion

“I met my girlfriend, Courtney, because she was a pretty girl in my English class and we started talking.”- Ferris professional golf management sophomore Patrick Butler