Didn’t even make it past the pregame
Oct. 12, 11:30 p.m., officers responded to a report of a disorderly minor in possession in Bond Hall. Two subjects were referred to the Office of Student Conduct and issued appearance tickets.
An unsettling afternoon
Oct. 12, 2:04 p.m., officers received a report of domestic assault in Ward Hall. Two warrant requests were submitted and two subjects were referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Green alert
Oct. 12, 7:54 p.m., officers investigated a report of a controlled substance violation in Lot 61. One subject was referred to the Office of Student Conduct and issued an appearance ticket.
Stranger danger
Oct. 14, 12:44 p.m., officers responded to a report of Home Invasion III in McNerney Hall. Two subjects were arrested and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Fight night
Oct. 14, 12:44 p.m., officers investigated a report of assault and battery in McNerney Hall. Two subjects were arrested and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
The worst kind of person
Oct. 14, 12:00 p.m., officers received a report of a hit and run in Lot 64. The investigation is still open.
McStoney in McNerney
Oct. 14, 6:28 p.m., officers responded to a report of a controlled substance violation in McNerney Hall. One subject was referred to the Office of Student Conduct and issued an appearance ticket.
Flying high in Finch
Oct. 14, 5:32 p.m., officers investigated a report of a controlled substance violation in Finch Court. The case is still open.
Same, dude
Oct. 14, 5:32 p.m., officers responded to a report of a controlled substance violation in Finch court. The investigation is still open.
Sharing is caring
Oct. 15, 7:01 p.m., officers received a report of larceny in North Hall. The investigation is inactive due to a lack of leads.
You already know
Oct. 15, 11:28 p.m., officers investigated a controlled substance violation in North Hall. The case is still open and one subject was referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Hit me, baby, one more time
Oct. 16, 11:00 a.m., officers responded to a hit and run in Lot 37. The investigation is inactive due to a lack of leads.
Troubling problems
Oct. 16, 9:58 p.m., officers received a report of domestic assault in FLITE. The investigation is still open and one subject was arrested and referred to the Office of Student Conduct, Housing and the Title IX Office.
Where did you learn to drive?
Oct. 17, 7:05 p.m., officers investigated a report of a hit and run in Lot 1. The case is inactive due to a lack of leads.
Professional drug management
Oct. 17, 9:35 p.m., officers responded to a report of a controlled substance violation in Henderson Hall. One subject was referred to
the Office of Student Conduct and issued an appearance ticket.
That’s not cool, man
Oct. 17, 11:30 p.m., officers received a report of larceny in Ward Hall. The investigation is still open.
Don’t smoke and drive
Oct. 18, 12:37 a.m., officers caught a subject operating under the influence of drugs in Lot 61. One subject was arrested and referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Serious issues
Oct. 18, 12:30 p.m., officers investigated a report of criminal sexual conduct in the 4th degree that reportedly occurred Sept. 26 in McNerney Hall. The case is still open.
Fight Night: Part Two
Oct. 18, 3:10 p.m., officers responded to a report of assault and battery on Ives Avenue. The investigation is still open.
We found drugs…sike
Oct. 18, 6:31 p.m., officers received a report of a controlled substance violation in Finch Court. The report was unfounded.
That ain’t it, chief
Oct. 21, 5:44 p.m., officers investigated a report of a controlled substance violation in Cardinal Court. One subject was referred to the Office of Student Conduct and two appearance tickets were issued.
The Ferris Department of Public Safety issued 334 tickets between the dates of Oct. 15 through Oct. 21, totaling $5,385.