Land shark season

Read the fine print when looking for housing off-campus

After freshman year, the idea of living in the residence halls becomes dreadful. Even though most people do not forget their first college roommate, sometimes that experience is not positive. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may have gotten to choose your roommate. However, if you’re like the rest of us, you were placed with someone you have never met and may even have nothing in common with. It all depends on the luck of the draw.

To avoid being placed in a potentially uncomfortable situation, the idea of getting your own apartment comes into mind. As an angsty teenager, I would always scream at my parents that I would move into my own apartment and be just fine without them. I never did. The reason for this was because of the expenses that add up and the land shark landlords that I would have to deal with. Not all property owners adhere to the definition of a land shark but the one thing people care about the most is money, and they do not care how they get it.

When on the search for my first apartment, I looked around at the various options that Big Rapids had to offer. Many places had very tempting offers that promised the world for you with such great values. They all compete for the attention of a potential contract signer even if that means not mentioning the fine lines in the contract and forgetting to mention the numerous fees.

I will say that the most significant benefit of these apartments is that you can bring friends with you to sign on for the same apartment. However, if you are as unlucky as my first apartment roommate, you may get promised a unit and be placed in another with random strangers.

If you are not the apartment type, feel free to take a gander at what property owners have to offer regarding a house. Some houses may not be in the best shape, but they cost the most money. If you are looking to save money and sign for an older home with less visible benefits, keep your eyes open; during your search, look at everything, because sometimes you can end up signing a contract for a house that will fall apart in front of your eyes.

Living off campus, in my experience, cost thousands of dollars less in the end. I hope that you are cautious when looking for your apartment. Make sure you read all the terms, and you are aware of all the fees you must pay before you live at that apartment and throughout your stay. I would also suggest looking at all the rates available in town and compare prices because some are much higher than others. Lastly, in case you are behind in life, signings have already begun and I would jump on it now. If I had known what I know now, I might not have signed up for where I currently live. With my last words, I wish you good luck.