Ferris Spanish for the professions and applied speech communications senior Daniel Rivera was chosen homecoming Saturday, Sept. 28, to represent Ferris as their new Homecoming Ambassador.
Rivera’s work on campus was considered a major contributing factor in his claim to the title.
“Homecoming Ambassador is a representative of Ferris State University. To me, it’s a student who represents the core values of our university and has been active in our community. Over the past month, I’ve been actively networking with returning and new students to talk about my campaign. #Orgullo, which means pride in Spanish, was my hashtag throughout my campaign. I have used this word as a way to teach others on the values of the Latinx culture and also showcase the opportunities that the Latinx culture has offered me as a student,” Rivera said.
Homecoming Ambassador includes quite a few benefits, such as a small scholarship for the following Spring semester, priority registration and halftime recognition at the Homecoming football game. It also includes a few extra responsibilities. Rivera will have a “Letter to the Editor” that may be published by the Torch on his campus plans for the year, influence on the artists and event featured by Entertainment Unlimited, and returning for next year’s Homecoming Parade, as well as the Torchbearer Ceremony.
“As Homecoming Ambassador, I will be hosting the 2020 Torchbearer Ceremony hosted by the CLACS Office. I am also representing Ferris State University, and it’s mission to uphold its principles and the great things our University has to offer,” Rivera said.
The Torchbearer Ceremony is an annual awards ceremony that recognizes students with outstanding achievements, particularly those that contribute to the community through service hours and leadership.
Rivera is very involved in campus outside of his role as Homecoming Ambassador.
“I am a member of the Hispanic Student Organization, was the 2018-2019 Newman Civic Fellow, a Promesa Scholar, and am now part of the team at the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,” Rivera said.
To be considered for the Newman Civic Fellowship, a student must be a part of long-term social change and address the issue of inequality in their community. Only one student from every campus may be nominated each year. A Promesa Scholar is a part of a campus organization that aims to increase the retention of Latin@ leaders on campus.
“The position of Ambassador is important because it gives candidates the opportunity to spread word of the wonderful things students can take advantage of on campus. Whether it be Greek life, academic clubs, social or culturally-based organizations; Homecoming Ambassador serves as an example of student leadership and development by the many things that have been utilized as an undergraduate student,” Rivera said.
The Ferris Homecoming Ambassador honor replaced the traditional royalty titles in 2018.